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2019 Open Rank Faculty Positions in Literature, Linguistics, and Translation Studies


Foreign Studies College of Hunan Normal University is hiring up tofive faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor, AssociateProfessor, and Professor, in the following fields: (1) Literature; (2)Linguistics; (3) Translation Studies.

Language, field, and period of specialization are open. Applicantsmust hold a PhD in a relevant field, and are expected to demonstrate a recordof both research and teaching excellence, or potential for excellence,commensurate to rank. Truly outstanding researchers may be eligible forappointment as distinguished professors under national or provincial facultyrecruitment programs (Note: faculty at the fullprofessor level will only be hired if research record demonstrates eligibilityfor a distinguished professorship).

All positions will begin in September 2019, and are non-tenuredrenewable appointments. Teaching load is six to eighthours per week each semester, across either two or three courses for anacademic year; competitive compensation packages are negotiable at levelsappropriate to rank. No knowledge of Chinese language or prior experiencein China is required; however, applicants should be able to adjust to localpedagogical norms.

Foreign Studies College is one of China’s top research unitsdedicated to the teaching of foreign languages and literatures, and is a majorbeneficiary of the central government’s heavy investment in public highereducation. Once led by Qian Zhongshu (one of modern China’s most famousauthors and literary scholars), the College continues to maintain an outstandingnational profile, as well as extensive international links with scholarsworldwide. The city of Changsha, where we are located, is a vibrant city ofover 7 million, with three millennia of history and a rich contemporary culturalscene.

To apply, please email a cover letter (including salaryexpectations), an updated c.v., and a writing sample, to Dr. Lihua Jiang, at fsc@hunnu.edu.cn or lhjiang@hunnu.edu.cn. Letters ofrecommendation may be requested of applicants after initial review. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis until available positions arefilled.

